- Preparation of the certificates DELF A1, A2, B1 and B2 in the four competencies, “Compréhension orale,” “Compréhension écrite,” “Expression orale” and “Expression écrite”.
- “Compréhension orale”: you will be able to understand a variety of types of listening, such as radio extracts, interviews, and news.
- “Compréhension écrite”: you will learn techniques of reading better French texts. News and articles are typically easy to read. However, there are many complicated details which the reader could misunderstand. The evaluation of the DELF certificates lies in that type of difficulty.
- “Expression orale”: there are three parts for this evaluation. For each section, we will train all types of subjects correspondents of each certificate; we will also work on the pronunciation.
- “Expression écrite”: in atelier format, the student will receive themes to produce texts. We will discuss the errors and improve the writing with better structures.
- Preparation of the test TCF in all 3 compulsory examinations “Compréhension orale”, “Maîtrise des structures de la langue” and “Compréhension écrite”.
- TCF also has two optional examinations, “Expression orale” and “Expression écrite.” These will be included in the program on demand.
- For all studies of TCF, we will proceed in the same way as the DELF examinations.